There are many different categories of food and drink, with the most common ones being: Sweets, Drinks, Ale and Wine. A drink is a liquid designed for consumption. In addition to their primary purpose of satisfying thirst, alcoholic drinks also play important social roles in modern society. Common varieties of alcoholic drinks include beer, wine, soft drink and coffee.
Food and drink are almost always included in a romance module or story because both are the main means of introducing romance into a story. Food and drink are often used as an act of escapade in the story, either because they are part of an act, or because of their visual effect. For example, it is not uncommon to see characters feasting on large burgers or pizzas during detective stories. Likewise, a character could eat his favorite chocolate cake during a funny story, demonstrating that almost everything can be consumable.
Food and drink are often interchanged because both provide sustenance and refreshment. However, unlike plants, animals and sometimes even people food and drink cannot be created from nothing; therefore, it would be incorrect to assume that food is the only source of life. As stated before, animals, plants and sometimes people eat to sustain themselves, while other creatures use their bodies as a source of food. Humans, obviously, take full advantage of their bodies when it comes to food and drink.