Food and Drink are a large part of human life and have played an important part in the development of our society. Food is a liquid prepared for human consumption intended to quench one’s thirst. The purpose of food was to provide sustenance for the body and the members of a society. As well as their primary function of providing nourishment, foods also play various roles in modern human society.
Common types of food and drinks include fruit (fresh, dried and freeze-dried), vegetable (e.g., beans, potatoes, rice and sweet potatoes), grain (e.g., cereals, bread, pasta and whole-grains), dairy products, meat, poultry and fish. Foods that provide protein include meat, fish and eggs. Different food supplies come from different parts of the world. Milk is derived from cow’s milk or goat’s milk, wheat is made from rye or barley, sugar is derived from fruits and vegetables, salt is obtained from various minerals, and bread is usually made from wheat flour.
The nutrition content of each food is critical in determining the nutrient and calorie content of each serving. Therefore, foods should be analyzed thoroughly to determine their carbohydrate, protein, fat, and mineral contents. Based on this information, the nutritional value of each food can be determined. Food and drink that is a part of a person’s diet should be selected based on its nutritional value. It is important to choose nutritionally appropriate food and drink for overall health and well-being.